Tuesday, Feb 20th
4 pm CET

The impact of financial wellbeing on employee engagement

Join us for an enlightening masterclass with renowned behavioral economist Dan Ariely.

Dan will guide attendees through the intricate dynamics of workplace motivation, exploring the essence of what truly drives employees - covering the complexities of incentives, shedding light on what makes work genuinely rewarding and how to foster a motivated workforce.

Key takeaways from the Masterclass include:

  • Strategies for Motivating Employees: Insights into what drives employee motivation, with a focus on effective incentives and creating rewarding work experiences.
  • Understanding Financial Challenges: An exploration of the complexities surrounding monthly pay, budgeting, and saving, and how these impact employee financial well-being.
  • Practical Solutions for Workplaces: Actionable advice on fostering a financially savvy and motivated workforce, tailored for the unique challenges of the targeted industries.

It's an opportunity to learn from one of the most respected voices in behavioral economics and apply these insights to create more engaging, rewarding, and financially savvy workplaces.

Speakers & Moderators

Dan Ariely
Behavioral Economist, Speaker & Author of Several Books including the bestseller "Predictably Irrational"
Jonatan Marc Rasmussen
CEO & Co-Founder at All Gravy

Sign up for the masterclass below!

About the speakers

Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely is an Israeli-American professor and author known for his work in the fields of behavioral economics and psychology.

Ariely earned a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a second Ph.D. in business administration from Duke University.

Ariely's research focuses on understanding irrational behavior and decision-making, exploring why people often act against their own best interests. He has conducted numerous experiments and studies to investigate various aspects of human behavior, such as financial decision-making, dishonesty, and consumer behavior.

He is the author of several popular books, including "Predictably Irrational," "The Upside of Irrationality," and "The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty." These works have been widely acclaimed for making complex psychological concepts accessible to a general audience.

Ariely is also a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight and a professor at Duke University. He is known for his engaging speaking style and has been featured in various media outlets and TED talks, where he discusses the implications of his research for personal life, business, and policy. His work has significantly influenced the way we understand human behavior in the modern world.

Jonatan Marc Rasmussen

Jonatan is Co-Founder of All Gravy, a Danish SAAS company focused on the retail and hospitality industries. He cut his teeth consulting Financial Institutions in London before realizing building companies and tech was much more exciting than spreadsheets and formatting slides.

Prior to founding All Gravy he has been working in startups, scaleups and on the venture side and enjoys a bit of angel investing on the side. He is a strong believer in lean startup methodology, customer-driven innovation and in the power of user research.

Jonatan will host and moderate the Masterclass.

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