Remove friction in the recruiting process

All Hands is an applicant tracking system; built with both the employer and applicants in mind. Remove unnecessary friction in the processes, and scale up or down on the requirements as the changing seasons change your needs.

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Trusted by

Easy to manage

Designed for mobile phones and their users

All Hands is a mobile-first ATS, allowing your managers to recruit on the move, in the store or wherever they are!

Apply by phone

Applicants spend their time on their phones - with All Hands they can apply to a job directly from their phone.

Easy as text or whatsapp

Communication between you and the applicant happens via text, allowing for smooth coordination.

Automated templates

Automated smart templates makes it quick and easy to send invites or messages to the applicants.

Integrated calendar

Integrates with your calendar, letting you select the time slots you want to make available for interviews.

Remove friction

Remove friction from the recruiting process

Asking for CVs or forcing applicants to fill out an extensive profile makes no sense in a world where they often have little to no relevant work experience - instead, all of that is handled smoothly from the applicants mobile.

Change gears as needed

Looking for many extra hands just before the summer season? Reduce the amount of questions, change gears!


Be more picky during the low season. Ask more questions, be more selective, maybe even ask for that CV.

Integrates with your WFMS

Make sure you have all the employee data you need

No more admin and operational processes - with one click all of your data is transferred into your systems. You can even send additional info requests through a neat mobile-friendly survey.

Our impact has been proven across 10,000s of employees

More shifts taken
App rating
15 %
Higher retention

What partners and users say

We've got eight locations now. And honestly, it pretty much makes it eight times easier to run those locations from an HR management perspective now, because we've centralized - and brought back to the core management structure - all the things that otherwise we would have to do site by site.
Stephen Tozer
Founder @Le Bab
With All Gravy, it has become easier for us to get shifts covered, and making it possible to offer our employees more flexible working conditions. At the same time we have increased employee satisfaction.

Frederik Darger Johansen
All Gravy has had a huge impact on the way we communicate, and our ability to coordinate and plan shifts. Which means we are more aligned, and we spend less time on manual tasks and get more shifts covered, with half the effort.
Simone Terp Eriksen
Hospitality Manager @CopenHill
I don't borrow from my savings anymore, so saving up has become much easier. If I really need something - well I'll take some out of All Gravy - I can always manage to take an extra shift to make up for it.

@Frankies Pizza

Take your people and culture to the next level