Create workflows for any situation

Create standardised workflows for e.g. broken machines, end-of-day reports and more. Choose who receives it and provide ability to comment & choose a status on the flow

Trusted by

Templates for reporting

Create templates for reporting on day-to-day events that require attention

Choose who can make reports, and who receives them

Example: Broken machine

Make it easy for employees to report on a broken coffee machine, including an image. Automatically send this to the facility team

Example: New employee

Make it easy for your managers to request a new employee -> Send the request directly to HR

Project management

Do something about each workflow

Allocate to right person

Choose who receives a certain report on a standard basis.
Or assign a new employee if new skills are required

Keep employees updated

By changing the status and leaving comments, you can keep the 'reporter' updated on their case.
And you can also 'hide comments' in case it's more sensitive

Our impact has been proven across 10,000s of employees

More shifts taken
Logins per month
Higher retention

What partners and users say

We've got eight locations now. And honestly, it pretty much makes it eight times easier to run those locations from an HR management perspective now, because we've centralized - and brought back to the core management structure - all the things that otherwise we would have to do site by site.
Stephen Tozer
Founder @Le Bab
With All Gravy, it has become easier for us to get shifts covered, and making it possible to offer our employees more flexible working conditions. At the same time we have increased employee satisfaction.

Frederik Darger Johansen
We got over 50% activation in the first hour after launch. It’s a huge enhancement to how we connect, learn, and digitalise the culture we’re so proud of. All Gravy is helping us build things that we don’t even think exist, which is really, really exciting.
Oli Cavaliero
Head of People & Engagement @Pizza Pilgrims
As a new employee at Honest Burgers, you previously had to download 7 apps. That's just not a good employee experience. I had this vision for exactly what I wanted. Welcome to Honest Burgers; here's the one app you need for your entire journey.
Tommy Giraux
Head of Restaurant Systems @Honest Burgers